Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Roses In aPril


By: Rodolfo Perez


the SHower washes over mE

coming with the WArm water is a new wave of optimiSm.

who knEw someone could eVEr feel this much waRmth and joY?

i look down To my cupped Hands, and let the water slIp through my fiNGers.

for a moment, I’m at peace with the floral arrangeMent thAt sits on the sink.

the flowers that now sit Dewed over by the hot stEam.

roses, wHite and rEd, become foggy thRough the glass as My shOwer moVEs along.

my prAda suit stays hung Where i left it

i wAsh the rest of the shampoo from mY hair

it’s herbal scent gives the illusion that i’m clean,

but I’m Dirty frOm the Never-ending pageant That is my life.

spearmint, shikakai, parFum, nEEm, aLma.

vous Ne comprenez pas

I turn off the shower.

i don’t want to

but i’m too ComfortablE.

so i do anyways

i step out of the shower, out of the wave, and slip back into reality,

and into my suit.





  1. In my opinion, your best work! This piece is f***ing amazing!

  2. Roses are best known as ornamental plants grown for their flowers in the garden and sometimes indoors. They have been also used for commercial perfumery and commercial cut flower crops.

    1. Don't really get the point of your comment lmao
